Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dethoned!! What's Next

Dethroned!!! What’s Next

There has been a lot of change of gold this year in the UFC.  I’m going to give you may fan point and view and also consider Dana White promotional view point as well

Holly Holm vs ??????

Holly Holm literally pulled at Matt Serra.  When she said I’m going to shock the world.  I was like “Ha” you’re not a stock Italian from Long Island, get out of here with that nonsense.  And then she shut everyone the fuck up! She literally just beat the unbeatable.  Just out classed Ronda everywhere.  It was a great performance.  Holly never showed any of that in her two UFC fights.   So what’s next for Holly Holm?  I will go ahead and say this, from a Dana White, promotional point a view.  Holm vs Rousey II for UFC 200 would be biggest PPV than UFC 100 189 and 194.  From a dollar stand point that fight is going to get the most PPV buys.  However, I don’t want to wait till July. I wanna see her fight now.  She’s 34 years old.  She isn’t getting any younger.  She didn’t take any damage in that fight. Let’s give her Miesha or Cat. Holm doesn’t want to wait.   I don’t want to wait.  You can’t just put your champion on ice.   She has that movie Fight Valley coming out that could be less horrible than some of the other MMA movies (Never Surrender or Unrivaled both Crap).  I wanna see her fight sooner than later. 

Conor Mcgregor vs ?????

After this Saturday we are going to find out who Conor is going to fight next.  If Dos Anjos has a clean cut win of Cerrone, I can see Conor staying for around  the featherweight division.  If Cerrone has a clear cut win over Dos Anjos, Conor is going up in weight class.  Cerrone is a bigger draw and causal fans probably don’t know  Dos Anjos name.  So Dana White is probably going to flip flop on his whole Jose Aldo deserves a rematch thing like he did for Ronda. Personally I’m kind of over the whole Jose Aldo vs Conor Mcgregor bout.  They have been hyping one fight for over a year. They did a full court press media tour.  And I need a break.  That matchup was been over promoted and a rematch does not intrigue me.  I feel like the first fight should have happened when it schduled have in July  and I would have been ok with the rematch on 12/12 but with the over promotion of one fight for one year.  I’m just not intrigued with the rematch.  If it was a competitive back n forth war.  Yeah, sign me up.  It was a one punch knockout in 13 seconds.   I think Jose should fight Max Holloway for the number one contender spot.  I wanna see Edgar v. McGregor or McGregor vs Dos Anjos/Cerrone. 

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